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Th summarySBM function summarizes the sampled allocation vectors from each iteration of the Gibbs sampler from the output of the bgm function ran with edge_prior = "Stochastic-Block" and save = TRUE. It also estimates the posterior distribution of the number of clusters.





A fit object created by the bgm function.


Returns a list of two elements: components and allocations, containing the posterior probabilities for the number of components (clusters) and the estimated cluster allocation of the nodes using Dahl's method.


# \donttest{
  # fit a model with the SBM prior
  bgm_object = bgm(
    Wenchuan[, c(1:5)],
    edge_prior = "Stochastic-Block",
    save = TRUE)
#> Warning: There were 7 rows with missing observations in the input matrix x.
#> Since na_action = listwise these rows were excluded from the analysis.

#> $components
#>      num_components probability
#> [1,]              1 0.683038670
#> [2,]              2 0.242103696
#> [3,]              3 0.060658230
#> [4,]              4 0.012086772
#> [5,]              5 0.002112631
#> $allocations
#> [1] 1 1 1 1 1
# }